Marko Radojćić On AI from Serbia by Marko Radojčić

Civil Engineer and an experienced IT guy reflecting on AI. Personal blog

Taking AI prospects as seriously inspiring

Published on January 16, 2025

The beginning of my AI/ML journey started with Tensorflow running on my computer 5 years ago.

I have attempted some similar algorithms in the past, even in the distant past like finding the optimal path for a skier to go down the slope of a mountain, flood fill in assembly so that I could develop my own efficient way to fill shapes for an interface I was building on my 386 computer.

In my professional work I came across Jupyter notebooks as a very decent platform to do Python prototyping.

As soon as I discovered Tensorflow and later PyTorch, I became additionally interrested in learning about Machine Learning, how to use it, and how to build practical applications using new approaches that finally did take advantage of massive parallelization available in modern computers.

Photo classification example was so beautifully simple, approachable and usable that I was really interested in learning more, building more and creating new AI projects.